love your smooth skin,
your rounded belly,
wonky smile and crazy curls.
you’ll never be as beautiful again
although you do not know it now.
stride on your long legs,
climb your mountains,
chart new paths,
and do not doubt it when others praise you.
accept your faults,
laugh when you stumble.
fall softly on grassy mounds
when your ascent stalls, take rest
drink in fluorescent sunsets.
sleep deep
rise the next day,
find friendship’s hand to hold
let differences lift you, fold you
into your madcap perfect imperfection.
Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon, [MA Creative Writing, Newcastle 2017]
Ceinwen lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, and writes short stories and poetry. She has been widely published in web magazines and in print anthologies. She is a Pushcart (2019 & 2020) and Forward Prize (2019) nominee. She believes everyone’s voice counts.