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Till Death do us Part - Nielina Babajee

oh, to grow old with you

and be yours until god bids me.

dying in your arms

is a rebirth,

an immortalisation of our love,

proof that we indeed are soulmates.

my fingers woven through yours,

my head on your chest,

our bodies against each other

under a cocoon of blankets, of love

where we wove precious silk,

threads of tenderness

strands of sincerity

filaments of fondness.

yet, I fear and dread.

because eventually, for the silk to survive,

the silkworm has to die.

BIOGRAPHY: Nielina Babajee is an aspiring author, and self-proclaimed bookworm. She is a student

in the utopic island of Mauritius. She enjoys writing in her free time; it is an escapism from the

maddening world, an opportunity to pour her heart out. She has never published her writings; this is the first step in what appears to be a lifelong — and hopefully, successful — journey.



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