The cool of the twilight
After hot summer’s day –
The fever is broken,
And the heat chased away.
By wind in the hollows,
By the breezes that play
O’er treetops and hilltops
Where the sun sinks away.
The skyline is glowing,
And the mist gathers ‘round.
The dusk fills with music
As the night sounds resound.
The last light is fading;
Now the night starts to fall.
The moon will soon hover
Like a big yellow ball.
A coolness and calmness
Mark the close of the day
On one summer’s evening
Dressed in splendid array.
Wil Michael Wrenn is a poet, songwriter, and musician. He has an MFA from Lindenwood University, USA, and is a songwriter/publisher member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers). He has published three books of poems -- Songs of Solitude; Seasons of a Sojourner; Enid Lake Mosaic, the latter two having been published by Silver Bow Publishing, British Columbia, Canada. His website can be found here.