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Between the Lines - Karen Richard

I am burying love between these few lines

on pages of a book you will never read,

hundreds of love notes addressed to you

which I will never send

because you believed

love should be spoken, never composed

yet you, you interrupted every word I said.

even my pen fell silent

tired of writing in braille for blind eyes

which refused to feel.

maybe one day you will find them

and thumb your way through

these tear-stained words,

letting them seep, deep into your soul

but by then I will be gone; I already am

my pen frantically scrawling new chapters

for someone who didn’t hesitate

to read between the lines.


Karen Richards is a Tasmanian born and bred poet. She is the published author of ‘The Way

My Words Fall’ and her second collection ‘Wrapped in Folds of Midnight’ will be released

August 23rd. You can find more of her work at @kalou_poetry on Instagram.



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